Create a 3D Immersive tour including UiMeet

Schedule Virtual Meetings through your 3D Immersive Tour. Receive notifications and don't lose any potential leads!

UIMeet feature is available for each of you client. Management and configuration can only be done through their client panel.

Create your Tour 

Trough your Provider account or through the client account.

Menu > My Tours
Create A Tour

Follow each steps. Need more info

Start a new project

Open your UiCapture App on your phone.

Start to shoot ( Shooting Instruction)

When your shoot is done, select the desired Tour ID of your project to send it to

Finalize your Tour

Once the 3D Immersive Tour is ready, Go in your Tour and click "Delivery Manager"

Choose one of the delivery mode (3 choices)

  • 3D Immersive Tour only
  • Photos Only
  • Full Tour (with clients information and listing informations)

Click Deliver and Send announcement

Stay in your Tour

In the Info menu

Scroll down and Active UiMeet > SAVE

Your 3D link is available in the Links Menu

Ready to setup a Virtual Meeting?

Scheduling a private meeting can only be done through a Client account

In the "UiMeet 3D" menu > Create a scheduled meeting

Choose Activation and expiration date. Private meeting links will be available for this period.

Use the links to meet.

Your are ready to jump in your UiMeet 3D Virtual Tour! Learn more

Clients can also request a Meeting

In the Tour, Click on the "Avatar Icon" To open the chat menu and request to "Unlock UiMeet"

You will receive a notification to join.

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