Add & configure photographers

To offer your customers the opportunity to order online, you need an employee; even for a single photographer, you will have to be added as an employee.

When you have added your employees, you will also need to add some configuration;

  • availabilities
  • services offered
  • zone


  • color
  • email notification
  • From the dashboard, select photographers

On the main employee screen, you can see the employee's main information and status. You can also define a group for your employee and sort them by it. You can edit every employee by clicking on edit. You can also add a new employee by clicking on the plus (+) sign

Please fill out every information field.

To activate the checkbox and  your employee access, you will need to add an email address. Once done, you can click on create the employee

Next step is to indicate which services your employee will offer.

You can drag and drop the new availabilities. Or you can generate it in batches by filling out the fields and clicking on Generate For more details: Adding Availabilities

Each employee can cover a specific zone, define a zone of service for your employee. Always save before exiting. See how to manage Zones and travelling fees

You can assign a color to each photographer that will show in the calendar. Save before leaving.

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