Configure photographers zone

When setting up your zone, you will have to draw your service area. To do that, you will need to follow some easy steps and rules to make sure that your travelling fee will apply to the property when the time is necessary. 

The first step to do that will be to draw all your zone separately in the main panel, free and travel expanse area. Afterward, you will select the travel expanse tab and apply your fee to the zone that needs it. Here is an easy step by step tutorial that explains to you how to do it;

From the dashboard, the first step is to go in the Photographers menu .

1. Once selected, the map of your area will be displayed.

2. Click on the dot tool.  

3. Add as many dots as needed to create your area. To complete your service area, connect to the first dot. Dots/zones can overlap to ensure that no areas are missed.

4.To add travelling fees

From the employee's place of residence enter the maximum distance that can be covered free of charge and the surcharge per Km/mile in dollars.

Make sure to save your zone before closing the page or switching to another page.

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