Link an order to a Centris listing
Here are the specifications for the property photos:
- The supported formats are JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP;
- The maximum size of the photo should not exceed 10 MB;
- Only photos with dimensions of 640 x 480 pixels or more are accepted for upload;
- To maximize the quality of the photos, the recommended aspect ratio is a 4: 3 or 3: 2 ratio larger than 1024 x 1024 pixels;
- If the photos are larger than 1920, the system resets them to a maximum size of 1920, so for the 4: 3 ratio they will be scaled down to 1920 x 1440 pixels. For example, if the broker uploads a photo that is 2000 x 1500 pixels (4: 3 ration), the photo will be scaled down to 1920 x 1440 pixels.
Once in the desired order, you must choose the listing and in which entry the photos of your order will be transferred. Once the transfer is complete, you will receive an alert email.
1. From the home page, click on Orders.
3. Then in the Centris section click on CHOOSE LISTING
4. In the drop-down menu select the listing. Click OK
5. Confirm the listing selected.
6. Click TRANSFER TO CENTRIS in the pop up window. You will be bring to a new page to select the images' name. You will receive an email notification when you listing is connected.
7. When completed, your order will look like this: