Unlock UIMeet - Give your clients permission to request a private UIMeet 3D Visit

With our new lock feature, you can now have your customers request to unlock a UiMeet in your 3D tour. This gives customers access to the meeting without you having to be there or wait in the tour for them to show up. You will now be notified that someone wants access to UiMeet in the tour and you can grant them access and even join the meeting as well. Below are instructions on how the feature works and what to expect when someone tries to unlock the meeting.

In this Article:

Getting Started

The customer will go into the tour and click on the Unlock UiMeet3D button to send a request to you asking for permission to get in. 

 The customer will need to fill out some information before sending the request. We will need a name and email to get started. 

If the customer is a Real Estate Agent you can check the box and add your client's name, number, and email.  


You have the option to get the notification sent to you as an email, SMS, or webhook. Below is an example email of the notification that someone wants to unlock UiMeet3D. You can accept, decline, or join the meeting. See more on how to set up notifications HERE as it is required. 

Here is an example of what your customer will see if you decline to give them access. 

Access To UiMeet

Once the tour has been unlocked they will have access to the menu on the top to start a meeting, end a meeting, or invite another person.

Can't Acess Video

Sorry, Video feature requires a secure URL

If you receive this error when trying to access the video please be sure the URL is secure by adding https:// in the front. 

Camera Settings

Once your customer has access they will be able to select a camera and check their microphone as well as preview their camera. Once they are ready they can hit start to start the meeting. 

You are all set to start your meeting. For more information to configure your UiMeet Meetings please see HERE.  

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