Issues using UiMeet3D?

This article will go over some issues you may run into when inviting your customers to your UiMeet3D.

In this Article:

If you do not see remote users, you need to Click to Engage. 

Activate the multi-user mode by clicking on the multi-user icon. Once activated, you can click again on it to hide the multi-user panel.

If the icon has no red circle, you are alone in the 3D tour. 

Our multi-user server can and does create multiple platforms of the same visit. Those platforms are named “room”. To use UiMeet3D with a specific user, you must be in the same room as they are. The room name is visible in the multi-user panel:

  • Once you are in the same room and you “see” your contact in the Guests list, you should see their avatar in the 3D environment. However, you will not see it if:
    • They are not on the same floor.
    • They are to your back.
    • You are in the same position.
    • They are in another room of the house, and the walls hide them.
  • If this is the case, you can use the minimap to see where the other users are.

Use The “Navigate to same position” action and then move to a position where you will be able to see them.

What to do if you invited a user to join a Video Conference, but it's not working.

Before joining a video conference, we always ask users to select and test their camera and microphone. Your customer will need to make sure their operating system will allow the browser to use the camera and microphone. The browser must allow the camera and microphone to be used on the web site hosting the video meeting. If the authorization is not set, then the screen will look like this:

Permission denied

The exact message depends on the OS and the browser. It can also be “The request is not allowed by the user agent... user permission.” Or something similar. To resolve the issue and allow the microphone and camera will depend on the OS/browser. Below is the resolution for some cases:

Chrome on Windows 10

  • Click on the camera icon that shows a red x in the address bar.
  • Then Authorize
  • Refresh or reload the page

Please note 

Refreshing the page kicks you out of the private meeting, and you will be sent back into the public room. The meeting host will have to go back to the same public room to restart the invite process.

Firefox on Windows 10

  • Click on the slashed camera icon.
  • Remove blocks on the camera and microphone.
  • Refresh/reload the page

Please note 

Refreshing the page kicks you out of the private meeting, and you will be sent back into the public room. The meeting host will have to go back to the same public room to restart the invite process.

Edge on Windows 10

  • Similar to Chrome, click on the Microphone with a red X
  • Then you will need to authorize
  • Refresh/reload the page

Please note 

Refreshing the page kicks you out of the private meeting, and you will be sent back into the public room. The meeting host will have to go back to the same public room to restart the invite process.

Windows 10 on Any browser

If the troubleshooting for a specific browser did not work, check your windows settings (type “camera” to search for camera settings). It is possible that the camera was turned off for all applications. 

When Windows block camera usage, the error message will be similar to:



  • In Safari a box will pop up that will ask you to allow the site to use your Microphone and Camera 
  • Then you will need to click Allow
  • Refresh/reload the page

Please note 

Refreshing the page kicks you out of the private meeting, and you will be sent back into the public room. The meeting host will have to go back to the same public room to restart the invite process.


  • In Chrome a box in the upper left will pop up that will ask you to allow the site to use your Microphone and Camera
  • Then you will need to click Allow
  • Refresh/reload the page

Please note 

Refreshing the page kicks you out of the private meeting, and you will be sent back into the public room. The meeting host will have to go back to the same public room to restart the invite process.


  • In Firefox two boxes will pop up that will ask you to allow the site to use your Microphone and Camera
  • Then you will need to click Allow
  • Refresh/reload the page

Please note 

Refreshing the page kicks you out of the private meeting, and you will be sent back into the public room. The meeting host will have to go back to the same public room to restart the invite process.


My screen is greyed with this “Waiting for devices” message

The browser is waiting to have the focus to ask you to authorize your camera and microphone. Click or tap anywhere in the browser screen to give it the focus.

What if I'm using an iPad or iPhone?

Only Safari Browser will work with iPad and iPhones 

What if I'm using a Samsung tablet and phone?

Samsung Browser is not supported. You will need to use Chrome or Firefox. 

Could the Urbanimmersive software be faulty? 

You will want to ensure you test your device and make sure it's working on other sites. If you find an issue isolated to the software, please contact support. You can test your microphone and camera on another web site such as this one:

Can I use my bluetooth earphones while using UIMeet3D?

At this time we are not compatible with any output device, we will inform you when this will be available. You can for now use your built-in speakers.

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